Hey, Before i say a word I'd like to start out by saying Thank You for taking the time out to read my post. This post is about my experience Breast feeding and how I managed to stop and lean him off. I really did feel like it would be so hard, but it really wasn't and he just made it easier for me.
I breastfeed my son until he was 14 months old, I used to say that id bf him until he turned one but that it didn't turn out that way .Let me take u back to the birth date of my son Jeremiah . January 17 2012, around 7pm my son was born . through out my pregnancy i planed to breast feed and when my son was born i asked the doctor to give him right to me. after the birth a laction counselor came in and introduced her self, then showed me how to breast feed. At first i had such a hard time trying to latch him on. So the nurse suggested a nipple shield which was Definitely the key, or at least a start until u get it.
The Nipple Shield made it so easy to latch JJ on . I used it until he was at least 3 months old. One day i tried to latch him on and he did right away with out the shield . After about 2 months of breastfeeding him, I started him on formula because i did not feel like he was getting full. I would be feeding him constantly about every hour almost. Which was a problem. The formula was great because it made the feedings further apart.
Jeremiah was on a set schedule, until he was about 6 months old. Afterwards he would start waking up more, completely off the schedule basically . I tried giving him cereal in a bottle a couple times to try to make him sleep longer at night. But not much and i don't recommend it because that will make Him gain to much weight and is a choking hazard. Anyway it worked at first then one day he just stopped taking the bottle and wanted more and more breast milk, It got to the point where i would just breast feed him on demand .
When i started working his dad would watch him. Once he started working we put him in daycare. So i would breast feed him when ever i was home, and when i was at work he would take bottles. Once jj turned one I tried to put him in his crib to try to break the habits, both co-sleeping and breast feeding . we put him in his crib and we let him cry it out like they say. But he cried and cried, non stop. Me and dad both agreed that it was not good to let him cry. We then tried to put a playpen by our bed and put him in there at night so he can fall asleep. That didn't work! Eventually i gave up, So when his 1st birthday came he was still being breast fed. I guess then was when i decided that he would stop when he was ready to.
Which is exactly what he did. I started breastfeeding him less during the day and more night. I also started to give him more bottles during the day and he started to take them more until one day he just stopped drank it and went to sleep. Wow did that shock me or what but i knew then i was definitely ready to stop. it only took about 5 days of swollen boobs, but afterwards that's it back to normal.
All grown up
I can't believe he is so big now . I definitely miss breastfeeding but he is a big boy and I know I had to put an end to it . I'm very happy that I bresat-fed him for so long which played A big part in his health . It was also like our bonding time even tho I know we can still bond somehow. :)
It felt like The older he got the harder breastfeeding got. Especially at night I would barely sleep . Jeremiah would constantly wake me at night to drink or to lay on me . But even after long night and sore nipples it was definitely worth every sound of it .
Breast feeding was an amazing experience and i definitely plan to do it again. I hope that you find this helpful and if you have any questions please feel free to ask!
Great job mimi :)